
Thank you for your interest in these opportunities to join in with what God is doing here in the Diocese of York as we seek to appoint to two important new roles – Director of Strategic Transformation, and Digital Transformation Leader – as part of a strategic programme of work.

These new roles are externally-funded; part of a significant Church Commissioners’ grant of £850,000 in Strategic Capacity Funding. This will help us implement our ambitious vision for growth across our family of clergy, churches, schools and communities across over 400 parishes in North and East Yorkshire; each playing an active role and bringing an important Christian dimension to life in the region. We are striving to be a people who are “Living Christ’s Story”; a simpler, bolder, humbler and more diverse church.

Living Christ’s Story is all about investing in people – growing vocations, deepening our understanding of who we are as the body of Christ, and learning afresh how to reach out to people who currently have little or nothing to do with church. It is also about freeing up time and energy to pray, to worship and to serve our neighbourhoods; simplifying the work of running our church buildings and church communities, and, where we can, taking some of the burden of administration out of the system. You can find out more in the document: Living Christ’s Story – The Diocesan Vision.

Our new Director for Strategic Transformation is a key leadership appointment, responsible for ensuring delivery of the diocesan strategic plan, and driving the transformation programme that follows from that. The post-holder will work with the collegial direction of the Diocesan Leadership Team, engaging with external funders and other stakeholders, and working with diocesan resourcing functions to ensure our activities are aligned with the vision.

The new Digital Transformation Leader will lead on transforming the way we engage with and use digital technology to support our vision and strategic programmes. As part of being ‘simpler, humbler and bolder’, the post-holder will bring visionary leadership to how we can use digital technology to communicate more effectively with each other and in reaching out to others, and to simplify our processes. They will help support parishes to use technology well, and reshape our website so that information is easily available for those involved in ministry and in running our churches.

Ultimately, all that we are doing is seeking to help our parishes, deaneries and chaplaincies and, through them, the whole people of God get on with the real business of living and sharing the story of Christ.

I hope that you might give your prayerful consideration to whether the time is right for you to offer your skills, experience and passion to help to make that a reality.

The Most Reverend and Right Honourable Stephen Cottrell

Archbishop of York