Thank you for your interest in finding out more about the appointment of the next Dean of Norwich.
Norwich Cathedral – a beacon of faith and hope at the heart of the county of Norfolk and Diocese of Norwich – is seeking its new Dean.
The next Dean will be a prayerful, confident leader and pastor, who will lead the Cathedral forward in the next phase of its Christian witness. We seek someone who is a gifted preacher and teacher, experienced in nurturing worshipping communities and sharing the good news of the Gospel.
We seek someone with a heart for the Anglican choral tradition, but also an innovative leader in mission. Someone who is gifted in building partnerships, who will keep the Cathedral looking outwards, embracing the social Gospel and striving for a prophetic edge.
We are committed to nurturing a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion, and want to encourage applications from a diverse range of people.
If you would like to discuss the role, you can arrange a conversation with Stephen Knott (Archbishops’ Appointments Secretary) by
e-mailing aaad.office@churchofengland.org.