The Dean's ministry in the Diocese

The parishes, schools and chaplaincies of the Diocese of St Albans are Living God’s Love so that God’s kingdom might grow in our world. In Living God’s Love, we are Going Deeper into God, Transforming Communities and Making Disciples with generosity, joy, imagination and courage. The Dean, as a member of the Bishop’s Staff will play a key role in leading the diocese in this vision and strategy, and help to draw the threads between Cathedral and Diocese.

As a fairly geographically large diocese, it is naturally not as easy for parishes, schools and chaplaincies further away from St Albans to visit the Cathedral. We would like our next Dean to strengthen the partnerships across the whole diocese, helping to take the Cathedral out to be a resource to the Diocese, as well as providing a place of hospitality and welcome for those who visit.

Each year, the Cathedral hosts the Alban Pilgrimage on the weekend closest to St Albans Day. Giant carnival puppets re-enact the story of Alban with Roman chariots, centurions, lions and roses all taking their place alongside Alban and Amphibalus in a dramatic procession from St Peter's Church, through the historic streets to St Albans Cathedral. Pilgrimage day is one of the biggest events in the Cathedral calendar, attracting pilgrims from all over the diocese (and country) who take part in the procession. After the Pilgrimage has taken place, a series of special services, including Festival Eucharist and Evensong, take place throughout the day. Everyone is welcome to these special services, which involve the Cathedral Choirs, members of the Cathedral community and guest preachers.

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